True inner healing comes through gratitude

Last night, I realized that I was dreaming. I was lucid and felt free. I hovered in the middle of a bright white light and thought about what I could experience meaningfully in the dream worlds.

First, I practiced a round or two of Healer & Creator. It felt wonderful. I sent some H&C Energy Spheres into my daily world and let myself be drifted and led afterwards, and I was curious to see which dream world I would immerse myself in next.

The next moment, I walked along a forest path. I was not alone, an important person from my past walked right in front of me. She looked exactly as I remembered. I spoke to her: “Is it you …?”

The person looked at me in disbelief. I took her in my arms. “Thank you for the good times we had together!”

That was all. But I not only said it, I felt it too.

Many years ago, I had already done deep inner processing work, mostly concentrating on the difficult and bad things that I had experienced with this person.

That was a long time ago, and I had found my peace with it. But something was missing: inner gratitude.

And I felt that I had found it through this dream. Now, the inner healing was complete.

I woke up and immediately repeated the same procedure with other important people from my past. I visualized how I held one person after another in my arms and said “Thank you!

There are still many people I would like to say that to. At least inside of me.


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